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Childhood Revisited
Clothing Renovation
In Motion
Slowly I have come to see the value of creating, in words, and also in other media, a way of being more fully alive in the aftermath of experiences that diminish and silence, a way of speaking my own reality, shifting my mood, of seeing afresh, and re-imagining life and possibility. I have discovered the delight in taking on something I don’t know how to do, and finding a way somehow to accomplish it, sometimes with assistance of various sorts, sometimes simply through trial and error.
The satisfaction is enormous as I find my way forward. I think much of the power of this creative play, as I think of it, is in the process, the shift it creates in me, as I lose myself in creation. It helps me switch off my busy brain as I watch something emerge. It helps me find a sense of play, to engage with the child in me, and explore and create.
I find it immensely powerful to move from the fear of “I can’t do this,” through avoidance, and eventually to completion, to surprise and satisfaction in accomplishment. Then there is the sometimes-surprising beauty of the product, the item I look at, or use. Often what I create are ordinary objects I use each day. I have a mosaicked and refinished chest of drawers by the front door. I have embellished mirrors in washroom, and hallway, and even a serving board. All were transformed with mosaic made from broken china. I appreciate the reminder as I use my creations, that taking on hard things step by step, makes change happen, even when I don’t know the whole route. I watch my mistakes transform into new beauty. It’s a good metaphor for many life challenges.
I find particular joy in reclaiming lost things. Broken pots can find new beauty in fresh combinations, old trays, tables, mirrors, and suchlike, can become something special as the base for mosaics, decoupage, or paint. Rather than simply fixing them, they become one-of-a-kind creations with a new life, and beauty. There is a wonderful metaphor in this work, for like people, nothing, and no-one needs to be lost and discarded. It doesn’t need to be simply fixed, made almost as good as new. Instead, we, and these objects can be re-imagined, becoming more beautiful, rich with possibility. All can move forward from loss in the aftermath of violence, neglect, and other traumatic experiences.
Increasingly I look for ways to support others in such journeys of discovery. I plan to offer more workshops and courses in this area. I hope to be able to support others in finding their own creative voice, in learning new skills, and enjoying the playfulness of exploring new media. I like the idea of mentoring others in the explorations they too find daunting, too scary to imagine, let alone try.
The dream I hardly dare to dream, fear I cannot find the practical ways forward is an upcycling training program where many people can experience these joys, can be steeped in the metaphor of new life and possibility. I have seen the value in learning skills, that transfer in direct and indirect ways, and in using this play and creativity to understand more about how tough life experiences have shaped what people dare to take on. I can see how a training program would teach meta skills, support students to understand their own brains in the aftermath of trauma, to learn strategies to stay present and learn, to re-form relationships with learning and change.
To see any one type of creation just click on that category and the images will sort themselves. To learn more about each creation click on the link. I will be adding information about each work soon!
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